Pediatric tooth Extractions in Southborough

What is a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is the removal of one of your child’s baby teeth. This procedure is typically recommended after a child's tooth becomes damaged due to an injury or severe tooth decay. If your child is set to undergo orthodontic treatment or has incoming adult teeth that need room to erupt, a gentle tooth extraction by their pediatric dentist in Southborough may be the right treatment for their smile.

pediatric tooth extractions in southborough

Did you know…

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Over half of tooth extractions for children ages 3 to 13 are due to cavities.

Ready to schedule your child’s appointment?

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How it works: The tooth extraction process

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Clean & Sanitize

To begin, Dr. Naomi will clean and disinfect the treatment site in preparation for the extraction procedure.

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To perform a simple extraction, Dr. Naomi will use local anesthesia to numb the area and the surrounding nerves. This will ensure that your child feels no pain or discomfort during the procedure.

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 If your child’s tooth is embedded or partially covered by the jaw bone, a surgical extraction will be necessary. We will offer dental sedation for this treatment to keep your child comfortable, relaxed, and anxiety-free during their procedure.

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Loosening & Removing The Tooth

Dr. Naomi will gently loosen the tooth in the socket using special dental tools. When it has been loosened sufficiently, she will pull it out with a pair of dental forceps.

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Cleaning & Necessary Sutures

When the tooth has been removed, Dr. Naomi will clean and disinfect the area again, and suture the extraction site, if necessary, to ensure it heals properly.

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Healing & Aftercare

After the procedure is complete, Dr. Naomi will provide you with a comprehensive set of instructions that will ensure your child’s mouth heals as quickly as possible. 

Types of tooth extractions

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Tooth Decay

Cavities commonly form on a child’s molars because baby tooth enamel is very fragile. Children often have trouble following complete dental health care practices, making their teeth more prone to decay. If your child’s tooth decay is so severe that no restoration can salvage the tooth, an extraction may be necessary.

Trauma or Injury

If your child experiences dental trauma from an accident, fall, or sports injury, the tooth may need to be removed. A chipped or cracked baby tooth can cause pain and increased sensitivity in your child’s mouth, so don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment in Southborough to address the situation.

Allow Adult Teeth to Erupt

Sometimes, baby teeth loosen and then tighten back into the gums. This is referred to as over-retained baby teeth, which prevents permanent teeth from erupting properly. Dr. Naomi may recommend extracting these teeth to allow adult teeth to develop without any crowding.

Prepare for Orthodontic Treatment

If your child is planning to have an orthodontic procedure, an extraction may be necessary to reduce the chance of crowding. This also allows the orthodontist to straighten adjacent teeth.

Did you know…

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An extraction may be necessary for orthodontic reasons like overcrowding.


Call (617) 453-8397 to book an appointment

Have questions about your child’s tooth extraction? Find answers here. 

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Will my child be in pain after the extraction?

After the extraction procedure, your child may experience some minor swelling and discomfort for a few days. By applying cold compresses to the face for 20 minutes at a time, swelling and pain symptoms will subside. If your child continues to have severe reactions or symptoms, do not hesitate to call our pediatric dentist in Southborough immediately.  

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What care should I provide my child after the extraction?

It’s perfectly normal for a little bleeding to occur after an extraction. The gums will soon form a blood clot within the socket and begin the natural healing process. It is very important to keep the protective clot securely in place. This will prevent a painful “dry socket” condition from forming, which occurs when the clot is dislodged and the underlying bone is exposed.

To protect the clot, avoid cleaning the area for the first 24 hours. Then rinse with salt water to sanitize the site and reduce pain. Tylenol, ibuprofen, and ice packs on the outside of the jaw can alleviate any pain and swelling. If your child experiences excessive swelling, shows signs of an infection, or gets a fever, contact their pediatric dentist right away.

Make sure your child avoids hard crunchy foods for at least a week and opts for softer foods instead after the extraction. This will ensure the protective clot stays intact and bacteria-free. In addition, encourage your child to drink plenty of water to keep their mouth as clean as possible.

Are extractions covered by insurance?

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Usually. Tooth extractions that are required to remove damaged or decayed teeth are typically covered by insurance. However, we recommend that you contact your insurance provider and work with them to fully understand your coverage and benefits.

Did you know…

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Most patients can return to school within 2-3 days following an extraction.


Call (617) 453-8397 to Book today